Then and Now

February 17, 2014 at 7:11 am (General)

It’s been just over 6 years since I started this blog. When I began writing, I had no idea it would have lasted this long. I thought I had a few things to say about my journey into parenthood…a couple of thoughts about our family and the relationship John and I want to build with our kids. It turns out I had a lot to say about connected parenting and finding our own way…and a lot of people who wanted to listen. I’m honored and awed and impressed at so much this blog has shown me over the last 6 years.

My children have grown from 1- and 2-year old toddlers into 7- and 9-year old children. They are still children, but now heading towards the tween years. How did that happen?  Are we really done with those early years? Can it be that they’ve grown into the capable, cooperative kids I see before me who do their own laundry and make their own food and are developing a relationship with each other? I am in awe of the people they’ve become.

Back then…1 and 2…

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And now…7 and 9…

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I have grown from a new mom, unsure and just taking things one day at a a time to a mom who is significantly more calm and confident (albeit still staking things one day at a time). I’ve learned what it means to slow down, tune in, and let go of perfection. Make mistakes. Apologize. I learned what it means to try again and again. Looking back, I feel proud of the parent I’ve become. I love the person my children have brought out in me.

I am honored that you’re here to share this journey with me. Your support over the years has meant more to me than you know. Your comments, your kind words, your shared stories have lifted me up in time of discouragement. I’ve met wonderful new friends over the last 6 years! Thank you all for being here with me and for journeying alongside as we find our own way. Together.

The anniversary of this blog reminds me that parenting is, indeed, a journey. A process. It is ever evolving. Things may not change much from one day to the next, but somehow they change dramatically over the years. All those little moments together add up. And suddenly the early years are behind you and you’re still forging ahead.

What comes next?

Years of positive parenting has shown me that everything that brought our family to where we are now–things like responsiveness, connectedness, forgiveness and communication–is what will lead us through the next stage, too. Our energetic, strong-willed, curious little toddlers who have become such capable children will continue on to grow into confident, competent young adults.

It’s been an amazing experience to see the changes in my children and in myself over these years. I may have started this blog as my journey into parenthood, but it’s become more than that. It’s become my journey through. Thank you for being here with me!

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