A Little More Summer

August 22, 2013 at 7:42 am (Just Photos)

Our summer is flying by. Not quite over yet, we’re planning on a few more outings. We’re also planning on a few more days without plans. My goal this summer was to slow down, but suddenly it’s the end of August and I’m wondering how 2 months have ever passed so quickly. Two weeks left for us to savor a few more bites of summer.

A little more this:


And a little more that:


OK, maybe even more of that one.

We’ll wrap up our summer over here, and I’m looking forward to settling into my fall routine with you, dear readers. Just after we squeeze in our last:


And at least another one of these:


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Parenting Blogs You Should be Reading

August 7, 2013 at 8:30 pm (Education & Learning, General)

I follow about 40 parenting blogs. Forty-two to be exact, as well as a dozen scientific journals on child development, psychology, and relationships. There are so many great ones out there, and I have a hard time passing up a good read for my feed.

(By the way, I just love Feedly for easy management of all my subscriptions!)


This just means I have a steady stream of parenting wisdom coming in everyday. I get excited when I see new posts published. The best blogs–my favorites–are published consistently. Not necessarily frequently, but when they’re updated, they consistently have strong, relevant content. In other words, they are consistently good. I want to share them with you.

I know there are many blogs that are great. Some of them I have featured in past posts of the best positive parenting resources and other excellent parenting resources. Some I have in mind for future posts. I’m sure there are plenty I haven’t discovered yet and will be adding to my feed collection sometime soon. Bear with me. I don’t like to do overwhelmingly long posts, so I’m going to keep it simple and stick to just a few favorites. If you don’t have these blogs in your reader, add them today:

Peaceful Parent Institute


Genevieve Simperingham writes on relevant topics that focus on the needs of children. Her perspective goes deep, encouraging us to look below the surface for what is going on with our children (and also within ourselves). She gets to the ‘why’ of a lot of common issues in parenting and helps provide a well-rounded ideas for how to handle them. I love her insight on parent-child relationships.

Janet Lansbury


Janet’s words on raising children are down to earth and practical, and they really get at the essence of a child’s perspective. She shows that we don’t need to turn to gimicks to help children develop properly; they have every capability of doing so, and we need to support and trust their development. Her posts are very empowering, which is exactly what children need: confident parents.

Aha! Parenting


Dr. Laura Markham seems to be everywhere in the parenting world lately, and for good reason. Her daily posts are shared on just about every site, large and small, dedicated to positive parenting. Her work covers the basics of connected, emotion-centered parenting. Dr. Laura once told me she dedicates a lot of hours to keeping up her blog, and it certainly shows. Her thorough, clear posts on a variety of parenting topics are inspiring and helpful to so many moms and dads.

Positive Parenting Connection


Ariadne Brill is a Positive Discipline educator, and I think her blog is so practical. It seems every one of her posts hits the nail on the head with challenges so that many parents face every day with kids. She helps with the how-tos of daily life when you’re aiming for positive parenting. Consistently practical, consistently helpful.

Little Hearts Books


L.R. Knost writes parenting posts from a unique perspective. With 6 kids of her own, she has navigated every stage of child development and shares her wisdom on implementing gentle guidance with young children. What I love is her ability to get behind a child’s perspective to shed some light on challenging behaviors.

Those are just a few of my favorites! I’ll update again soon with more great parenting blogs. What are your favorites? Which ones do you find most helpful? Let me know so I can be sure to add them to my feed!

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